Mark 1:9-15 In those
days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the
Jordan. And when he came up out of the water, immediately he saw the heavens
opened and the Spirit descending upon him like a dove; and a voice came from
heaven, "Thou art my beloved Son; with thee I am well pleased." The
Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. And he was in the
wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the
angels ministered to him. Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee,
preaching the gospel of God, and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the
kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in the gospel."
A lawyer was sitting in her office late one
night, when Satan appeared. The Devil told the lawyer: "I have a
proposition for you. You can win every case you try for the rest of your life.
Your clients will adore you, your colleagues will stand in awe of you, and you
will make embarrassing sums of money. All I want in exchange is your soul, your
husband's soul, your children's souls, the souls of your parents, grandparents,
and parents-in-law, and the souls of all your friends and law partners." The
lawyer thought for a moment, then asked: "So, what's the catch?"
And it’s with that question in mind that I
want to approach our gospel text this morning.
What's the catch?
There are many engaging images and
characters in these few short verses.But what’s really interesting about these few
scriptures from Mark’s gospel is not necessarily what’s in them, but what’s
missing from them. Let me explain, when you read these scriptures in the other
two synoptic gospels, Matthew and Luke (BTW…synoptic simply means a broad summary
of an event), there are substantial differences in the telling of this
wilderness story. Luke and Matthew actually expand the story to include an
additional 10 verses. Within these verses we have a complex dialogue between
Jesus and the Satan where the temptations have very specific form and function.
In the original Greek, the word Satan actually just means accuser. You might
remember these versions of the story. First the Satan challenges Jesus to turn
stones into bread to satisfy his hunger from fasting for 40 days and 40 nights.
Next the Satan tries to trick Jesus into showing off his special relationship
with God by challenging him to throw himself off of the top of the temple so
that the angels might save him. And the third temptation occurs after the Satan
takes Jesus up a high mountain and shows him all the kingdoms of the world. If
Jesus would just agree to worship the Satan, then all of these kingdoms would
be given to Jesus. Of course, Jesus passes each test and the Satan or Accuser finally
leaves him alone.
But in Mark’s gospel, the account which
most scholars agree is much older than the other two gospels; there are just
these two simple verses. After John baptized Jesus, “The Spirit immediately
drove Jesus out into the wilderness. And he was in the wilderness forty days,
tempted by Satan; and he was with wild beasts; and the angels ministered to
him.” Short, but not so sweet. We have just five characters in Mark’s version
of the story; Jesus, the Spirit, Satan, wild beasts, and the angels—all of
which are in the wilderness together for a period of forty days.
The first character in the story is the
Spirit of God—or as we’ve come to refer it; the Holy Spirit. I know this might
sound a little weird and sacrilegious, but the Holy Spirit in this story seems
a little schizophrenic to me. If you remember the baptism story of Jesus, God
speaks words of incredible love and acceptance to Jesus when he says; “You are
my beloved Son, in you I am well-pleased.” With that statement, the Holy Spirit
suddenly appears to Jesus in the form that looked like a dove. It’s a
beautiful image. But then, in the very next verse the Spirit 'pushes' Jesus into
the desert wild.
In the original Greek language the word used here
“ekballo” actually refers to an action a bit more vigorous than just a slight
push. It means throwing something or someone out of your presence. It’s the
same verb that Mark uses when Jesus cast out demons. It’s the same verb that Jesus
uses when chasing the merchants out of the temple, violently turning over their
trading tables. Now can you see the context? The Holy Spirit adamantly,
violently, shoves Jesus out into the desert! I just have to ask; why on earth
would the Holy Spirit be so brutal?
An interesting statistic is surfacing again
out of most of the news media that an unprecedented number of American adults
are still living with their parents, or moving back in with them after living
on their own for several years. Most obvious is the increasingly common phenomenon
of men and women returning home after graduating college. Now there’s a variety
of explanations, all of which were accurate: So many accomplishments – both
academic and professional – are needed today in order to become self-sufficient.
Therefore, it makes a lot of sense to stay home and save money while preparing
for a future profession.
But there’s also another explanation. Many
psychologists say that far more adult children stay home today because it is
often quite pleasant to live with one's parents. Now think about that! This is certainly
a far different situation that what we know of the WWII generation and their
baby boomer children. Very few people in the past would have liked living with
their parents beyond childhood. In fact, many people did not even like
living with their parents during their childhood. But today’s generation
of Americans was raised with more freedom, more autonomy and much more respect
than probably any past generation in history. And you have to admit that there
have been enormous improvements in some of the ways children are being raised.
Do you remember the saying "Children
should be seen and not heard"? That saying reflected past society's view
of children. Children were not, to put it simply, taken seriously. They were
rarely regarded as persons in their own right or as individuals who should be
able to express themselves. Children were regarded more like clones whose
primary reason for being was to give parents pleasure and reflect honor on them.
This all changed with the baby boomer generation, who made their homes far more
livable, even enjoyable, for their children than parents in the past did. As a
result, more and more adult children do not regard being in their parents'
company nearly as unpleasant or even embarrassing as children used to. Now let
me remind you, I’m quoting from a newspaper article!
But stay with me for a second. After the
baptism event, can’t we possibly imagine that Jesus could have felt this way as
well? Basking in the warm cloud of God’s love and embrace, why would he ever
want to leave? And you may have experienced this too in the past—experienced what
God was feeling as well, with your children or grandchildren. Have you ever felt
like you had to give a little push to someone you loved? Perhaps you knew
they could accomplish the near-impossible; but they were unsure. They had
the ability for greatness but lacked the initial confidence to take that first
step; they had not yet been tried (which is the root word of temptation) to go
out on their own. I think the Spirit so aggressively pushing Jesus out of that
cozy cloud of God’s love because Jesus needed to be tried and tempted in order
for his ministry to be thoroughly clarified. Yet, it was hard – even for
the Son of God – to willingly walk into the wilderness where he would be tested
by Satan.
is the fifth day of our Lenten journey. Many of you may have made a commitment
to remember these 40 days by giving up something through fasting or changing
behaviors. But I encourage you instead to take something on. Take on a
spiritual discipline like meditation, a daily devotional, or a physical prayer
activity like walking a labyrinth. Take on a commitment to renew an estranged
relationship. Some of you might be in a very real wilderness right now, not
sure where you are or where you are going. Take on the task of finding
direction for your life. You might be experiencing a lot of fear and wild
beasts in your life—or even confronting your own Satan or accuser right now. Take
on one of those wild beast and free yourself from fear.
But no matter how you
choose to live out these 40 days, remember this most of all. Even Jesus had to
be pushed into those lonely places. He did not willingly walk into the
wilderness, God’s spirit pushed him. And sometimes the Holy Spirit pushes you.
You’ll know what it is when you feel it. It’s that little tug on your heart or
the huge crisis that emerges pushing you out of your comfort zone, or into a
new experience. Our task this Lenten season is not adherence to a list of rules
and regulations, or maintaining a level of piety for 40 days that cannot be
sustained all year long. It encourages us to be faithful to the journey that
God has called each one of us to take.
like you to take a few moments to “take on” this exercise:
Taking the Test - During silent reflection make a list of times in
the past week in which you have been tested; perhaps some “wild beasts” have
filled you with anxiety and terror? Are you in a place of personal wilderness?
Have you been challenged by an accuser? Finally, list the times in the past
week in which you have experienced signs of God’s grace.
My Personal Wilderness (a place in my life where I feel lost, without
guidance or direction):
Wild Beasts in my Life (situations or events that bring distress, anxiety
or terror in my personal wilderness):
Ways I’ve been tested by the “Accuser” (internal and external voices that seem to
complicate my journey):
Signs of God’s Grace (relationships that reinforce God’s love and
commitment to my journey):
your silent reflection or prayer time this Lenten season, I invite you to ask God to be present in
your wilderness experience, creating a space around it so that you can
experience God’s peace. For where when you are at peace, no one or no thing can
tempt you or distract you on your journey to Easter. And that my friends, is
where we are all headed together. Amen!
days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a
high mountain apart, by themselves. And he was transfigured before them,and his clothes became dazzling white,
such as no one on earth could bleach them.And
there appeared to them Elijah with Moses, who were talking with Jesus.Then Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it
is good for us to be here; let us make three dwellings, one for you, one for
Moses, and one for Elijah.”He
did not know what to say, for they were terrified.Then a cloud overshadowed them, and
from the cloud there came a voice, “This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!”
Suddenly when they looked around, they saw no one with them anymore, but only
Jesus. As they were coming down the mountain, he ordered them to tell no one
about what they had seen, until after the Son of Man had risen from the dead.So they kept the matter to themselves,
questioning what this rising from the dead could mean.
you mind if I take your picture before I begin? I want to remember this moment.
Could all of you kind of scrunch in together so I can get you all in the
picture? Perfect. Say Cheese. (Click!)
world is full of amateur photographers, and I am one of them. I think that most
of us are obsessed with taking pictures and having our pictures taken. In focus
or out of focus, posed or candid, we are forever snapping pictures of each
other, of the things around us, of things inside of us and anywhere else we can
focus our trustworthy lens. There is nothing too sacred to escape the click of
the omnipresent shutterbug. Baptisms, confirmations, weddings, birthdays, and
especially family vacations are all fair game for amateur photographers.
now in this new age of digital media, we put our photos not just in wooden or
plastic frames, but on digital photo players, mouse pads, key chains,
refrigerator magnets, slideshows, on internet web pages and social networking
sites, even on DVDs. We have turned the photography business into a
multi-billion dollar industry. Indeed, it wouldn't surprise me that if Jesus
appeared here this morning, someone would immediately whip out their camera
phone and try to digitally capture him and then post it on YouTube. Now that
might get a few hits. Wouldn’t you say?
occurred to me, as I contemplated our obsession with picture taking, how things
might have been in biblical times if these familiar characters had had the use
of the modern camera. Can you imagine Adam
and Eve in the Garden of Eden, with Eve trying to take a photograph of Adam for the grandchildren? "Stand up straight,
Adam, and for goodness sake keep
those leaves still. We will never get these pictures back from Walgreen's if you
don't keep covered up!"
can you see Noah, after the flood was over, trying to get a picture of all the
animals in front of the ark with the rainbow in the background? "Japeth!
Tell those rabbits in the front row to stop fooling around. And get that
giraffe to hold his head down so I can get him in the picture."
King Solomon taking a picture of all his foreign wives and concubines and kids?
It might have looked like the Democratic National Convention last year.
can you imagine a church historian at Pentecost trying to get a picture of the
crowd with the tongues of fire over their heads? "Preach that sermon one
more time, Peter, I want to get a shot from the back." Or
the disciples taking pictures during Jesus' ministry? "Don't heal that leper yet, let me get my camera in
focus. OK, go ahead! Oops, could you have him kneel away from the sun?"
you see Peter on the day of the Transfiguration? "Oh, isn't this
wonderful? Lord, if only we could stay here always! Just a minute, let me get a
picture of this so we can show all the guys when we get back. Jesus, could you
have Moses and old E'Lije come back for just a minute so I can get a picture of
the three of you together? No one is going to believe this!"
Peter had had a camera that day he would have been taking pictures until
everyone was tired of posing. Peter was just like most of us. He wanted to
preserve a meaningful moment for all time. If he had had his way he would have
stayed there forever. "Lord, it is good for us to be here; if you wish, I
will make three dwellings here, one for you, one for Moses, and one for
Peter we all try, in our own ways, to prolong the mountaintop experiences of
our lives. But they never look quite the same in photographs or on videotape.
The Holy can never be fully captured by pictures or stories. Jesus is always
taking us back down the mountain, back to our everyday realities. The best we
can do is to enter fully into the transfiguring experience so that the way we
live our lives from that moment on will have a transfiguring effect on others.
he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his
clothes became dazzling white.”
The language of transfiguration is not
unfamiliar to us. We use phrases such as, “the radiant bride,” “the beaming
father,” “her face just glowed.” When we use this language, we are describing a
transfiguration of someone near to us. Transfiguration happens not only in the
Bible but also to real people in the real world today.
truly had many experiences in my life when I was transformed from one state of
consciousness into another. I remember the experiences of visiting a new
country while stationed in the Air Force overseas…always meeting someone who
was also traveling and sharing the experience…like; standing on the edge of the
cliffs of the Island of Santorini in Greece. Riding my moped across the Island
of Crete and picking olives for extra cash. I remember jumping off of
waterfalls in Hawaii…and the feeling of exhilaration from such a perilous
experience. The time I traveled to Israel, was baptized in the Jordan River and
visited the places where Jesus walked.
I’ll never forget standing at the
entrance to Checkpoint Charlie in West Berlin, being inspected by Russian guards
before crossing the border. Memories of; flying over the glaciers in Iceland in
a helicopter; standing atop the Eifel Tower in Paris; climbing to the top of
one of the pyramids of Giza in Egypt; all of which I’ve taken pictures.
I’ve also been transfigured by every day ministry experiences; the death of my
grandmother after her short illness, holding her in my arms and pleading for just
one more minute of time with her. Walking into a hospital room and praying for
a beloved church member as they pass from earth to heaven. Sitting in my very first
UCC worship service after 10 years of running from God, and feeling so much
love as if it were a warm blanket surrounding me.
Walking the aisle during my
ordination service, and releasing all the memories of oppression and prejudice
from some church experiences in my past.
often it’s not the mountaintop experiences that have the biggest impact on us,
but the ones that occur while we are living the darkest valleys of our life;
those dark night of the soul kinds of experiences. Whenever you are upset about
an event, a person, or a situation, the real cause is not the event, person or
situation but a loss of true perspective that only space can provide. The
words, this too shall pass, can restore awareness of that inner dimension
within you. And in this space do we find the perfect love of God.
the disciples witnessed with Jesus was obviously a transfiguration. The
fullness of his life burst out. The Spirit within him erupted. He was full of
love for God and humanity. It was obviously a total, energetic love. Jesus
turned his life over to humanity and God for the sake of God and humanity. And
in doing so he experienced a fullness of life and love.
like it was for Jesus, the fullness of life and love is for us too. The
transfiguration is about us. It is for us. It’s about being the incarnation of
God. We trust God with our lives. We die to our old life and are born to a life
in the Spirit. We shine with new life. And the transfiguration is for our
churches. We talk of transformation and revival. What we want is
transfiguration. We want energy, spirit and radiance. What we want is what God
is about changing appearances.
We change not because of necessity, but out of
our desire to please God.
How can we please God? What exactly did Jesus do to
evoke such strong emotion from God? Can we do the same? What are the
mountaintop experiences that have changed you?
I invite you
to recount the mountaintop experiences of your life, and remember.
Remember not what you used to be, but how you have been changed because of
them. And in doing so you will remember who God has called you to be a people
of faith in this time and place. And that, my friends, will provide you a picture
of your future. Amen.
from John Keeny, “Lectionary Musings,”
As soon as they left the
synagogue, they entered the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. Now
Simon's mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they told him about her at
once. He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up. Then the fever left
her, and she began to serve them. That evening, at sundown, they brought to him
all who were sick or possessed with demons. And the whole city was gathered
around the door. And he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and
cast out many demons; and he would not permit the demons to speak, because they
knew him. In the morning, while it was still very dark, he got up and went out
to a deserted place, and there he prayed. And Simon and his companions hunted
for him. When they found him, they said to him, "Everyone is searching for
you." He answered, "Let us go on to the neighboring towns, so that I
may proclaim the message there also; for that is what I came out to do." And
he went throughout Galilee, proclaiming the message in their synagogues and
casting out demons.
I, like many of you, am no stranger to
fevers. A year ago this month I traveled to Tampa, Florida for a conference and
came down with what I thought was food poisoning, on the very first night I was
there. I couldn’t think of anything else that could make me so sick, so quickly,
for I was in bed for three days with a very high fever, night chills, and the
expulsion of some really inhumane bodily fluids. It took me about two weeks to
fully recover, until I encountered the same illness just two months later in
April. This prompted a trip to a gastroenterologist, and an eventual
colonoscopy, but these tests returned negative results.
Tampa Convention Center
My next business trip
in July returned me to Tampa again, where I suffered the same fate; three days
in bed with a near visit to the hospital. But I persevered, and since I did not
want to be stuck in the hospital in such a foreign country, I made my flight
home; clutching the barf bag throughout the next 6 hours.My doctor became increasingly concerned and
ordered CAT scans and X-rays trying to locate the cause of my symptoms.
waiting for these results I fell ill again in August for a period of three
weeks, this time suffering a fever of 104 degrees for two and three days at a
time. Perplexed and bewildered, my doctor sent me to several specialists trying
to identify a diagnosis and possible treatment. Throughout September and
October I gave up at least a dozen vials of blood for testing, several more expensive
computer imaging scans, lost 20 pounds, and racked up more medical bills than
I’ve had in the last 30 years combined. When I came to preach for you last fall
I was uncertain about my health, and my family and friends grew concerned for
my well-being.
Now even as I retell my story I can
almost re-experience the emotional desperation during that health crisis. And I
know that many of you have probably experienced this same fear, and are perhaps
struggling with serious health issues now. And I bring all this up this morning
to help us empathize with our gospel story. By the time Jesus leaves the
synagogue for Simon's house, he's already a sensation, but Simon's
mother-in-law is too sick to notice. This is no cold or flu, but a fever that
endangers her life, isolates her from the community, and prevents her from
fulfilling her role and duties at home.
Now there are a few words in our text
that have very unique meanings in the Greek that we don’t quite get in an
English translation. First, the Greek word for being sick with a fever is pyressousa.
The root word is pyre, which means fire. Webster’s dictionary gives two
definitions for fever:
1. (n.) A diseased state of the system,
marked by increased heat, acceleration of the pulse, and a general derangement
of the functions, including usually, thirst and loss of appetite. Well, that
could sound like a church council meeting.
But the second definition is; 2. (n.)
Excessive excitement of passion in consequence of strong emotion; or a condition
of great excitement. This definition reminds me of a condition suggested in Peggy
Lee’s 1958 hit, “Fever.”
Never know how much I love you; never
know how much I care. When you put your arms around me, you give me fever
that's so hard to bear. You give me fever, when you kiss me, fever when you
hold me tight. Fever, in the morning, fever all though the night.
But, to the audience of Mark’s gospel, it
was demonic forces that were usually attributed to fever. You will notice verse
31 says that the fever “left her” upon her healing; as if some hostile entity
was to blame. So to the ancient community hearing this story their immediate
assumption is probably that something is spiritually wrong with Simon’s
The second interesting thing in our
text is in verse 29; the Greek word for house is oikia. Now that’s not
Ikea, but it is close. Oikia describes more than just a physical
structure, but a meeting space for family and relatives, a privileged place of
the community. It is in this communal place that Jesus heals Simon’s
mother-in-law. The same Greek verb that describes Jesus action of lifting her
up is the same verb for Jesus’ resurrection at the end of Mark.But more importantly is the response of
Simon’s mother-in-law in verse 31; and immediately she begins to serve them.
Greek term here is diakonisa, which is where we get the term deacon and
deaconess; service is the key topic in the call and pursuit of Jesus. Notice
that Jesus did not command her, but it was her response to being healed. She
responds to this gift with service. We cannot interpret this service as some
kind of menial work, but as true messianic ministry. She becomes Jesus’ first
deacon; the first servant of the church of Jesus. She understands the message
of the Jesus’ Gospel even before the disciples get it.
What makes this healing so beautiful is
because it happens in a home; the oikia which reflects the earliest
Christian communities, were house churches. These meetings in homes made the
life of the community possible; they were the missionary platforms, a welcome
place for itinerant preachers, and they provided economic support for the
growing Christian movement. Christianity was nurtured and affirmed in these
social, not sacred spaces. The Jesus movement spread in daily life, in small
communities where service to others was the mark of the Gospel. Simon’s
mother-in-law understood this long before any of the male disciples of Jesus
This story raises a question that we
all struggle with. How can we belong to our community of faith if we can't find
our place, or fulfill our role? The structure and purpose of church has evolved
quite a bit over the last two thousand years. The reasons for being a part of a
worshiping community in the first century after the death of Jesus are probably
quite different from our reasons in the 21st
century. You see, from the moment of Jesus’ first day of ministry he and his
followers were on dangerous ground. Once Jesus spoke those first words at his
baptism he became a heretic, an outlaw, a marked man. Jesus knew the danger he
was in. Throughout the gospel of Mark Jesus continually tells his followers and
those healed by him, not to speak a word of those miracles to anyone. He
repeatedly talked about his impending death. And I personally believe that he
tried to put off the inevitable for as long as possible until he could spread
his message as far and as wide as was possible. He knew he had a job to do, and
he wanted to complete that God given vocation. He was intentional about
“clocking in” on God’s ministry time card.
What strikes me about today’s gospel
text is the tenacity in which Jesus followed that calling. If we were to
imagine his ministry as a time card, then he never really clocked out. He never
stopped ministering to the sick and those afflicted by evil. The text says he
healed their sick bodies and expelled the evil spirits. He did this until late
in the night—and then got up early before dawn to pray and recharge his
spiritual power.
Simon’s mother-in-law is a central
figure in the text because it gives us a model for following Jesus. Jesus took
her hand and lifted her up from the bed. And at that moment her fever of the
body turned into a passion for service. Jesus took away her diseased state and
gave her a new spiritual fervor, a passionate emotional response to serving
this new family of faith.
I finally received a long awaited
diagnosis in early December last year after suffering 10 months of such a
strange and baffling illness. An infectious disease specialist discovered that
I had a parasitic micro-organism called giardia, often called the
travelers bug. 10 days on prescription medicine and my body was cleansed, and
my health was restored…including the 20 pounds that I had lost. And while a
quick fix may not be the remedy for the dis-eases that plague our communities
and our world, I do believe that the touch of Jesus is the cure for what ails
us. All throughout the gospels Jesus touches the troubled and tormented with
his compassion and love and they are healed from their afflictions and
reconciled to their community, just like Simon’s mother-in-law. And their
response is to always serve their healer.
Let us be as Jesus; touching our world
with compassion and turning them into followers of the Christ. As each of us
commit to daily clocking into our responsibility as Christ-bearers, then the
walls of our churches will not be able to contain his disciples. Jesus is the
incarnation of God’s love, and for some people, you might be the only Jesus
they will ever meet.
You know, Peggy Lee was on the right
track. But let me sing it the Jesus way.
They’ll never know how much you love them;
never know how much you care. You’ve gotta put your loving arms around them,
give them a fever they have longed to share.
Give them God’s fever, when you
touch them, fever when you hold them tight. Fever, in the morning, fever all
though the night.
Fever, not just on Sunday, but fever all though the week.
Fever, in our homes and fever in the way we speak.
Fever, at our work and fever shining bright with light.
Fever, in the morning, fever all through the night.
Fever! And everybody said, Amen!
Let us pray.
O God of our being, we recognize and celebrate the fevers that Jesus takes
away, and the passion he gives us in return. Thank you for the signs of his love and
commitment to making us servants of his kingdom. Open our eyes so that we may see
the opportunities for serving our world. Empower us that we may be Christ’s
hands and feet in the ongoing labor of caring and compassion. Let us never
deride or put down those opportunities for humble service. But give us patience
and humility that we need in order to do our daily work with joy. In all
things, teach us to respond in love and not hate. And grant us the ability to
show others the way to your grace. In the name of the one who showed us the way—Amen!