1:26-38 In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in
Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of
the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. And he came to her and said,
“Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you.” But she was much perplexed by
his words and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. The angel said to
her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And now, you
will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will
be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will
give to him the throne of his ancestor David. He will reign over the house of
Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” Mary said to the
angel, “How can this be, since I am a virgin?” The angel said to her,“The Holy
Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you;
therefore the child to be born will be holy; he will be called Son of God. And
now, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son; and this
is the sixth month for her who was said to be barren. For nothing will be
impossible with God.” Then Mary said, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let
it be with me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her.
like presents. No…that’s an understatement…I love getting presents. In fact, I
don’t just celebrate the day of my birthday; I celebrate the entire month of my
birthday. And for me, the Christmas season is the epitome of a surprise
birthday party. The anticipation of putting up the Christmas tree in my living
room; shopping for presents for my family and loved ones; wrapping each gift
and envisioning the look on its future owner’s face as it is opened. Now I admit,
while I love giving presents…it really is so very exciting to get them. I mean,
really, we all can be a little self-indulgent sometimes!
will never forget Christmas morning as a child. I loved it. I would sneak out
of bed on Christmas Eve night and sit in front of the Christmas tree, watching
the lights twinkle and…count my presents under the tree.But I didn’t just count my presents, I
counted everyone’s presents. One particular Christmas Eve, I was around 10
years old; I counted all of my siblings’ gifts. I went as far as putting
everyone’s presents in little piles on the living room floor…and counted every
one of them. One particular Christmas Eve I discovered an upsetting surprise.
All of my brothers and sisters each had eleven gifts…except for me. I only had
even as I retell this story, I feel a bit guilty. Not because I counted them,
but because of what I did that next morning. I certainly expected after
everyone had opened their presents, my eleventh present was hidden somewhere,
either in a closet, or out in the garage. And just at the right moment, when
all of the gifts had been unwrapped…Dad would emerge from his bedroom with my
amazing, exciting, exhilarating…and very expensive, eleventh gift. I was just
sure of it. And I just knew that this eleventh gift was a bright, shiny new
bicycle. Not one of those little tike bikes that was no taller than my waist,
but an adult sized bike. This was my year. I was ready for that bike.
waited with anticipation…unwrapping each of my gifts…still thinking of what lay
beyond my pile of presents. And yet when all was said and done, the living room
floor full of wrapping paper and toys and gifts scattered about…there was no
surprise eleventh gift for me. I sat there in the middle of the floor, a bit
stunned and anxious. But wait, something’s wrong I thought. I went over to the
tree, surveyed underneath its tinsel covered branches, looked behind the couch,
peered into the closet, searched through my own collection of gifts…perhaps I
had missed it. I couldn’t hold my grief and disappointment any longer. “Mom” I
exclaimed, “Is that all there is? I only have 10 gifts and everyone else has 11
gifts each!” Why, I thought I was making
a fair claim. Something was not right. I had been wronged. Surely things were
not as they seemed. I demanded an explanation!
our gospel text today suggests that there was someone else that really needed
an explanation, probably more than me. Can you imagine what was going through
Mary’s mind when she got this strange news from the angel Gabriel? Right from
the start it seemed like an odd kind of salutation. “Greetings, favored one!
The Lord is with you! Do not be afraid for you have found favor with God. And
now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him
Jesus.” Found favor? Are you kidding me? Getting pregnant by someone other than
the man she was engaged to was a death sentence for the likes of Mary. In
ancient Palestine the amount of an engaged woman’s dowry was based on
maintaining celibacy before the wedding. She could have been stoned to death as
punishment for being unfaithful. But what is even more shocking than that? Even
knowing all of these potential consequences, Mary said yes to the angel. She
said yes to bearing the child that would reign over the house of Jacob; the one
who would become the long awaited King of Israel. Mary did two important things
in this text that is relevant for us today; she believed and she chose. She
believed in the good news she was given by the angel in spite of the desperate
situation it would put her in. And she chose to respond to what was being asked
of her. “Here am I, the servant of the Lord;” Mary said. “Let it be with me
according to your word.”
and choice are the two most powerful gifts we have been given as creations in
God’s image. In fact, some progressive theologians suggest that being made in
the “imago dei,” or in “the image of God” means we have the same creative
ability as God does. We are “co-creators” with God of our lives and our reality.
This ancient formula for creation was that God thought it, then God said it,
and it was became reality. Belief + Choice = Creation.
believing in something might seem easy to do, but you really don’t know what
you believe until you choose to act in accordance with that belief. Most of us
recognize the importance that belief makes in the successful accomplishment of
any endeavor. Whether you believe you can or can’t, you will probably be right.
Mary teaches us in this text that developing a self-image based on positive
expectancy and positive belief cannot be left to chance. Too many of us have
been conditioned to believe in fear, shame, guilt, and scarcity.
We’ve heard so
many negative messages and learned from negative experiences that belief
doesn’t make much of a difference anymore. We only believe what we can see.
Most churches are dwindling in attendance because there is fear that the good
old days of overflowing sanctuaries, generous giving and magnificent mission
work are over for good. The messages have even been ingrained in us. “Don’t
bite off more than you can chew,” “Don’t try to be somebody you’re not,” “Don’t
risk too much, you might lose,” or “This is too good to last.” We are
conditioned in so many instances to look to our weaknesses than to our
strengths—to look at problems rather than opportunities. But positive belief
and positive expectancy can be developed by choice, and once developed; they
will lead you to whatever you want. (Excerpts from Terry
McBride’s DVD course, “Everybody Wins” at
hear me clearly about this. I am not talking about some new age concept like “The
Secret” or a motivational seminar on the power of positive thinking. These
popular self-improvement movements are secular versions of this Gospel truth. This
is about acknowledging and using a gift that God has given to each of us; being
created in God’s image. And that image is co-creator of our life and our world.
Jesus tells us in Matthew 21:22 “And if you believe, you will receive whatever
you ask for in prayer.” The season of Advent is about positive expectancy;
expecting that we can have power over our lives and we can change our world. We
are changed by first believing in the simple self-emptying gift that God gave
to us, and then choosing to give ourselves wholly and completely back to God.
Belief + choice = creation.
the past four weeks we’ve been unpacking the significance of the Gospel symbols
of Christmas. From the hope of new life symbolized by the greenery hanging in
our church and homes; to remembering our baptism through the new falling snow
of Winter; followed by the twinkle bulbs and candles representing the light of
awareness that shines brightly in our hearts and minds; and landing today at
the base of our Christmas tree, cluttered with gifts and presents we’ve offered
to each other and to this community. The Christmas tree comes from an old
Germanic custom where bringing a tree into the house was like bringing God into
the house. Offerings to God were adorned on the branches as ornaments. This
custom evolved into putting wrapped gifts under the tree that are intended for
those that we love. These are gifts that draw our attention to who and what is
really important in our lives. Our connection to everyone around us is the gift
we celebrate. And it is simply called ‘presence.’
never did get an eleventh gift on that Christmas day 38 years ago. As you can
imagine, my parents were not too happy with me. After all, they had given me
more than they could really afford. And of course the uneven number of presents
wasn’t intentional. What was intentional was their love for me even in the midst
of my self-centeredness. I learned a valuable lesson then…that has hopefully
stuck with me now.
It’s not what you get…
but what you give that blesses you.
priceless gift do you possess that may seem worthless on the outside? What can
you give as an expression of your love for the Christ-child? It may be a positive
word or smile for that depressed or grouchy person in your life. I could be a warm
embrace for the unlovable relative, or a kind word for the sarcastic or hateful
comment thrown in your direction. It may simply be believing in the potential
of a wayward child, grandchild or sibling, even when they can’t believe it
themselves. It could even be a church believing they have the ability to do
great things for their community in their hometown, even when the future is
uncertain. Saying yes with these seemingly valueless gifts can miraculously
transform any situation or relationship this Christmas.
is one present that I got that Christmas morning that I still have today. It’s
these old cowboy boots. Boot that I’ve worn since I was 10
years old. These are the boots that carried me through some rough times in
junior high and high school. They took me into the Air Force and a transfer to Germany. They
brought me back to the U.S., protected me as I wandered and worked in some dangerous
places, led me to college, transported me while I traveled, gave me a kick in
the pants when I needed to go to seminary, and eventually led me on my journey
to you. Yeah, these boots were made for walkin’. And I would have missed out on
their specialness had I stayed asleep and kept looking for that eleventh gift. What’s
the surprise gift on this fourth Sunday of Advent? That a baby is coming—to
love the world. I for one, hope to stay awake for that! Amen.
(Excerpts from Barry J. Robinson’s sermon “Don’t
Go to Sleep on Me” for November 27, 2005 –
John 1:6-8, 19-28 There
was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify
to the light, so that all might believe through him.He himself was not the light,
but he came to testify to the light. This is the testimony given by John when
the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, “Who are you?”He confessed and did not deny
it, but confessed, “I am not the Messiah.”And
they asked him, “What then? Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not.” “Are you the
prophet?” He answered, “No.”Then they said to him,
“Who are you? Let us have an answer for those who sent us. What do you say
about yourself?”He said, “I am the
voice of one crying out in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the
Lord,’” as the prophet Isaiah said.Now
they had been sent from the Pharisees.They
asked him, “Why then are you baptizing if you are neither the Messiah, nor
Elijah, nor the prophet?”John answered them, “I
baptize with water. Among you stands one whom you do not know,the one who is coming after
me; I am not worthy to untie the thong of his sandal.”This took place in Bethany
across the Jordan where John was baptizing.
When it comes to watching Christmas movies
and holiday themed TV shows this time of year, I admit I am a bit of a junkie. I
have to watch the old Christmas stand-bys…”A Christmas Story,” “A Charlie Brown
Christmas,” and one of my favorites, “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.” But I
like to surf through some of the cable channels for something different
I was particularly intrigued by a show on HGTV this past week about
extreme Christmas lights in America. One of the most extreme Christmas decorations
are by the Faucher family in Delaware who have been merrily setting a neighborhood
standard for 23 years - decking their halls with an astonishing one million
Christmas lights. It's an impressive sight to say the least - and even more so
when you consider what it must cost. Assuming that each one of the one million
bulbs is an average five watt C7 bulb, the cost of keeping the lights on for
one hour is roughly $686. If the Fauchers keep their display lit for four hours
a night for 30 nights that means they are racking up an astonishing bill of
$82,320. That is a lot of Christmas spirit.
So in keeping with our sermon theme, I
wondered what are the customs and traditions behind this decorating craze. You
might be interested in knowing that the festival of lights is almost as old as
the church herself. From ancient times light has symbolized faith and
intelligence. It has been a symbol of Christian joy which was adopted to dispel
the darkness associated with paganism. Torches, watch fires, beacon lights,
lamps and candles often accompanied joyous occasions and festivities in
antiquity. In fact, the Romans, during their celebration of a festival called
Saturnalia in December, would fasten candles to trees, indicating the sun’s
return to the earth. The Jewish people started celebrating the 8-day Feast of
Lights, known as Hanukkah, commemorating their victory for religious freedom
from the Greeks nearly two centuries before the dawn of Christ.
And early Christians adopted many of these
rituals, reinterpreting them to symbolize Christ as the light of the world. As
early as 492 C.E., the Pope established Candle-mas Day as the time for blessing
candles in churches. In medieval Europe the custom arose of lighting a giant
Christmas candle that would shed its glow on the festivities until
Twelfth-night. Martin Luther is credited for first placing tapers on the Christmas
tree. (Herbert
Wernecke, Christmas Customs Around the World. Louisville: Westminster Press)
In 1882, the first Christmas tree was lit
by the use of electricity. Edward Johnson lit up a Christmas tree in New York
City with eighty small electric light bulbs. It didn’t take long for Johnson to
create the first string of electric Christmas lights that were then mass
produced around 1890. By 1900, department stores started using the new
Christmas lights for their Christmas displays.
I was very excited to put up my Christmas decorations
and twinkle lights this year. But there’s nothing worse than this happening…nothing
more frustrating than a half lit string of twinkle lights. I even tested each
and every unlit bulb and still could not get them to work. Until, I found a
tiny split in one of the wires. Now I’m not an electrician, but fixing this
seemed pretty easy. So I stripped both ends of the plastic casing, reconnected
the tiny copper wires, and wrapped it tightly with black electrical tape.
And…nothing. Seems my elementary electrical skills were not advanced enough to
make this work.
I am definitely not an electrician.
And sometimes
it is helpful to remember who you are not.
That is probably the most important message
of this morning's gospel. It deals with the question of John’s identity. Just who
was John the Baptist? Where did he come from? What was his mission? Why did God
send him? It was a big question by the time the author of our gospel wrote
these words for the church. Historically, the movement that John the Baptist started,
independent of Jesus’ ministry, did not end with his death. The writer of
John’s gospel is very aware of the admiration of the Baptizer’s crusade. Some
of his followers were still carrying on his cause long after the Jesus'
movement got started. These followers were called the Essenes, and they were
growing alongside the Christian community, perhaps even competing for converts.
In fact, there is still a small sect in Iraq called the Mandeans who trace
their history and teachings all the way back to John the Baptist and his
Perhaps this is why we understand the
emphasis in our gospel text for making clear who John was not. The gospel
writer even interrupts himself when he is talking about the light that has come
into the world. "I am not talking about John," he says. The author of
the gospel even records John saying the same thing, with double emphasis. "I
am not the Messiah," John the Baptist states. Certainly, there is no
evidence to suggest that John thought of himself as the Messiah, even though he
did believe the Messiah's arrival was imminent. But I wonder what it must have
been like for him. Was it hard for him to realize who he was not?
I imagine there was a lot of pressure for
him to imposter the long-awaited Messiah. But it seems he resisted the pressure
to be something he was not, as powerful as that temptation might have been. In
so doing, he was also able to accept who he was, what he had been called to be;
the Messiah's advance man. He was the forerunner of the Anointed One. "I
am the one who has come to make his way straight," John said, "a
voice crying in the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord.'"
Pastors sometimes face such pressure from
their churches. Whenever a new minister comes to town, there can be a
temptation to make them into something they are not. All those glowing
recommendations. Those fervent expectations. "Now, things will really get
going!" people begin to say. "This time we've got a winner!"
"This one is just what our church needs!" It is all very
well-intentioned. Very understandable. There’s usually a budding romance with a
new minister; a honeymoon period at the beginning of a new pastorate. But, I'm
telling you, this expectation is a setup for everything that can and often does
go wrong.
Mass Appeal (1984)
Movie Poster
There is that wonderful scene in the movie “Mass
Appeal,” for instance, where Jack Lemmon plays an older, successful priest who
has bent over backwards in order to be everything his new, affluent
congregation expects him to be. When a young pastoral apprentice comes to the
parish, it isn’t long before he gets into trouble just for being himself. The
older priest is conscience-stricken when he realizes that his entire ministry
has been a sham in order to cover up his deep fear of simply being the person
he really is. When he finally confesses this to his congregation while
celebrating Mass, he says apologetically and somewhat thoughtfully,
"Perhaps, now, you and I can really learn what it means to love one
But this is a dilemma for a lot of us, not
just church pastors. Most teenager are always trying to be the coolest kid at
school, or the smartest, or sexiest, or most athletic because they think it is
the only way to find acceptance. The young man trying to be what his parents
want him to be. The young wife trying to be what her husband expects her to be.
The middle-aged person holding onto old regrets about the opportunities that
passed them by. The senior adult who is unable to embrace the person that they
have become; limited by the role their children or grandchildren need them to
Our gospel text teaches us an important
lesson for advent. It encourages us to be willing to live within the limits of
who we are, but also be the very best that we are, no more and no less. During
this Christmas season expectations may be very high to deliver that perfect
present, or cook that perfect dinner, or be that perfect person at family
gatherings. Like these twinkle lights that I tried to hang on my tree, we might
feel “half lit” from all the pressure and expectations to be perfect. We might
feel the need to make other people’s lives bright and shining, when we
ourselves feel dimmed and dull.
What mattered to John the Baptist, was
preparing the way for God's anointed one. Preparing the way, but not trying to compete
with it. Why? Because being comfortable with WHO you are - no matter WHERE you
are on your journey - is all that God asks. And what does God promise? That God
will light the way for you. And that light will be the welcome for others to
join you along the journey. The author of John's Gospel makes the same
affirmation: "The true light, which enlightens everyone, is coming into
the world." Jesus the Christ isthe light who brings
enlightenment; indeed, he is "the light of the world." This is the
truth in his birth stories, and it is true of your inherent nature as God’s
child. How might you share your light today?
Might you kindle a smile in someone who seems down?Can you share what you have with someone who
could really use it?Will you offer a
kindness to a stranger? Perhaps you will call a friend and just say, “You are
important to me.” When the light of Christ’s awareness is illuminated in you,
no one will be able to turn off the twinkle of God’s love shining through
you…even when you feel “half-lit” at times. So…light up the world, you little
Christ’s. It won’t cost you a cent! Amen! (Excepts from Barry
J. Robinson’s sermon, “ALL THAT GOD ASKS” for December 15, 2002 -
1:1-8 The beginning of
the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. As it is written in the prophet
Isaiah, “See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your
way; the voice of one crying out in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the
Lord, make his paths straight.’ ”John the baptizer appeared in the wilderness,
proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. And people
from the whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem were going
out to him, and were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their
sins. Now John was clothed with camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his
waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey. He proclaimed, “The one who is more
powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to stoop down and untie the
thong of his sandals. I have baptized you with water; but he will baptize you
with the Holy Spirit.”
nice married couple, we’ll call Bruce and Carol Davidson, were sitting down to
their usual morning cup of coffee, listening to the weather report coming over
the radio. "There will be 2 to 4 inches of snow today, and a snow
emergency has been declared," the weather report said. "You must park
your cars on the odd numbered side of the streets." Bruce says "Jeez,
okay," and gets up from his warm coffee, bundles up and moves the car. The
next day they're sitting down with their morning cups of coffee and the weather
forecast declares "There will be 4 to 6 inches of snow today, and a snow
emergency has been declared. Now you must park your cars on the even numbered
side of the streets. Again, Bruce says "Jeez, okay," and gets up from
his coffee. Two days later, again they're sitting down with their cups of
coffee and the weather forecast says, "There will be 6 to 9 inches of snow
today, and a snow emergency has been declared. You must park your cars on the -"
Just then the power goes out and Bruce doesn't get the rest of the
instructions. He turns to Carol and says "Jeez, what am I going to do now?"
Carol replies "Aw, Bruce, why don't you just leave the car in the garage
as you can guess, our worship theme this morning is all about Snow. Now unless
you are under the age of 16, or don’t have your driver’s license, Snow is
hazardous to your health this time of year. I really don’t like the snow. Oh,
yeah, it’s all nice and fluffy looking as it first begins to fall to the
ground. It does bring some warm images of Christmases past to mind…and it
wouldn’t really be much of a holiday season without at least one or two inches
of the stuff lying around. But if you are really honest with yourself, doesn’t all
the frozen wet stuff just bother you after the first couple days following the
first snowfall…especially when it begins to turn black with soot and dirt from
the passing cars. Let’s face it; does snow really have a purpose at all?
I went to the internet and posed that exact question. What came up from my
search was a bit astonishing! Scientifically, here were the answers: Snow is a
type of precipitation in the form of crystalline water ice, consisting of a
multitude of snowflakes that fall from clouds. We know that precipitation is a
major component of the hydrologic cycle, and is responsible for depositing most
of the fresh water on the planet. Now apart from the obvious role of
precipitation in our ecosystem, snow serves as an insulating blanket, lessening
to some extent the extremes of temperature fluctuation to which the soil is
subjected. But it also brings about a rapid cooling of the overlying atmosphere,
which gives rise to polar air masses that drive the ocean currents like a
global conveyor belt. In short, snow plays a dominant part in the climate of
many of the Earth’s regions.
the ecological benefits of snow, we can understand it to also have spiritual
effects. It can be viewed as one of God's instruments for assisting us in the
maintenance of our spiritual growth. In dreams, liquid water represents our
conscious life experiences – whereas snow is made of frozen water particles. It
symbolizes stagnancy, or unchanging life experiences. When there is no change
in life, the same experiences are repeated. Have you ever had the same
experience over and over, and just couldn’t understand why the same scenario
seemed to be constantly played out? It might be the same kind of relationship
within your family, or with your supervisor at a job. It could be with your
kids’ teachers at school, or with a waiter at a restaurant. Whatever the
situation, having the same kind of life experience is not just a coincidence,
but is an opportunity for reflection and spiritual growth.
unpack that a little bit more. For instance, in our text today we have a really
interesting character that opens Mark’s gospel. John the Baptist is preparing
people for Christ’s coming by calling them to repentance and baptism. He was
warning them about what, and who was to come. And what was coming was no picnic
for the Jews under Roman occupation. He was a preacher who had no qualms
telling people the truth. He showed up wearing clothing of camel's hair with a
leather belt around his waist and chomping grasshoppers dipped in wild honey.
Everybody knew what that meant. In the popular Judaism of Jesus' day, there was
this expectation that on the day God started to make things right for the poor
and dispossessed - Elijah would reappear. Of all the prophets of Israel, no
champion of the oppressed had been more popular than Elijah, a man, they said,
who ate false prophets and evil kings for dinner.
It would have been something
like Abe Lincoln showing up during the march on Selma, Alabama in the 1960s; or
Gandhi walking in front of tanks in Beijing, China during the massacres on
Tiananmen Square in 1989; or Martin Luther King addressing congress about the
rights of immigrants, same-sex couples, and unemployed Americans suffering in
this decade of economic imbalances. John the Baptist wasn't just a popular
prophet. He represented the very spirit of Israel at its most just and
for the kingdom of heaven has come near" he warned them, reminding his
listeners of that time in the future when everything that stood in opposition
to goodness and justice would be swept away once and for all. He was announcing
that the reign of God was drawing near and that it would be "game
over" for all who worshipped loveless power. "Repent," John
pounded from his wilderness pulpit. But he didn't mean simply feeling sorry for
cheating on your income taxes, but demanded a reorientation of your entire life.
He called everyone to be baptized into a new orientation of life experience, to
defrost the old way of thinking and thaw out frozen attitudes of self
absorption and indulgence.
seems that this holiday season has brought out the worst in some people. On the
day after Thanksgiving this past year, Black Friday they call it, the lines out
front of retail stores began forming the night before. On TV we saw stampedes recorded
on security cameras in Wal*Marts across the nation as people rushed to buy
their $198 42 inch LCD televisions. A woman in Los Angeles even pepper-sprayed
a crowd of folks that was in her way, injuring over 30 other shoppers.
incessant need for more and blinding greed keeps our hearts and minds “snowed
in” from responding to our true mission as God’s children. That mission is to be
a people of faith that consider the needs of others before ourselves. And like
John the Baptist we are not simply preaching "self-help,” but are reorienting
people to the necessity of change in response to the reality of a new set of
circumstances. A new world is breaking in, one which would not tolerate
injustice, oppression, deceit, greed and fear. It is time to re-define one's
life, to re-align one's ethical stance in keeping with such a new order.
"The kingdom of heaven is drawing near."
that is why John speaks so sternly, so sarcastically to the religious
conservatives and liberals who showed up to hear him preach; for that is who
the Pharisees and Sadducees represented. It wasn't enough to trust the old
patterns of thinking, the frozen-in-stone rules, the predictable rituals - no
matter how honored or revered. It didn't matter whether you were Democrat or
Republican, fundamentalist or liberal, pedigreed or newcomer. It was deeds that
counted not talk; action not reputation. And why was it so important for John
that people get their act together in a hurry? Well, here, of course, was the
main point of his message. Because John believed that what he was doing was
just a preview of coming attractions.
Bible is very clear about this. It says that a day will come when God will
bring an end to things as we have known it, which means an end to climbing over
each other for a bigger piece of the cake, an end to exercising power over
others simply because you can, an end to the importance of being famous, an end
to the obscenity of fabulous wealth living alongside abject poverty - an end to
all of that. And the one who will end it will be Christ, of all people. The one
who is coming to judge us most fully is the one who loves us the most fully. He
will burn away all this chaff that makes us less than human and the world far
less human than it is - precisely because he loves us. That is what we are
getting ready for - those of us who call ourselves Christ's people and who long
for the birth of such a love!
where will this Christ be born? You guessed it…in the stable of our hearts.
Christ comes to us bathed in a new consciousness. He melts the frozen thoughts
of our conditioned life experiences with the warm light of awareness. Snow is
the water of our baptism, thawed out from frozen attitudes and frigid fears of
change. It may seem like a hazard at first, but it can renew our understanding
of communion with each other – and that’s what the Christ mass is all about,
right? Amen!
(Excerpts from Barry J.
Robinson’s sermon “A Preview of Coming Attractions” for December 4,
13:24-37 "But in those days, after that
suffering, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the
heavens will be shaken. Then they will see "the Son of Man coming in
clouds' with great power and glory. Then he will send out the angels, and
gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of
heaven. "From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes
tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when
you see these things taking place, you know that he is near, at
the very gates. Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all
these things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words
will not pass away. "But about that day or hour no one knows, neither the
angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Beware, keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come. It is like a man going
on a journey, when he leaves home and puts his slaves in charge, each with his
work, and commands the doorkeeper to be on the watch. Therefore, keep awake—for
you do not know when the master of the house will come, in the evening, or at
midnight, or at cockcrow, or at dawn, or else he may find you asleep when he
comes suddenly. And what I say to you I say to all: Keep awake." Anyone get to clean
out their refrigerators this past week? Did you pardon any turkeys in
your life? (You will need to read last week's post to get this in context.) I hope you continue this tradition next year, and
remember to prepare your hearts for Thanks-forgiving every year.
And speaking of
traditions, did any of you participate in “Schwarzer Freitag” the day after
Thanksgiving? Those of you with a German heritage will nonetheless know what I
am talking about…Black Friday? Anyone know why we call it that? Yes,
most stores make enough sales after this day of the year that anything they
sell afterwards is pure profit.
The fact is, like
Black Friday in the secular world, we have lots of traditions or customs that
we follow in the Christian church during this time of year. There are many
traditions that most young people don’t really understand, and even some of us
older folks have probably forgotten their original meanings. Over the next four
weeks we will be exploring these customs during our Advent sermon series
called, “The Gospel Symbols of Christmas.”
Well, we know that
the Christmas season has been around for a long, long time. But do you know
just how long? It is generally known by most folks that Christmas began as Christes Masse, a beloved religious
festival originating from the angels’ song in Bethlehem, “Glory to God in the
highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” This is really the Good
News of the Gospel in simplest terms. But Christes
Mass literally means the Eucharist of Christ, or Christ’s Communion with
Humankind. It’s the season to remember why God came to earth enfleshed in human
form, to commune with us, God’s children.
Emperor Constantine
But what is less
known is the face that only as late as 350 C.E. was December 25th set
for the observance of the birthday of Jesus the Christ. The date was set by Julius
I, Bishop of Rome, after the Emperor Constantine had declared Christianity the
empire's favored religion in 336 C.E. While the reasons for choosing this
specific date are wildly different, it is assumed that because this time of
year coincided with many pagan festivals, the church needed to offer people a
Christian alternative to the pagan festivities. Eventually many of their
symbols and actions were reinterpreted in ways acceptable to Christian faith
and practice. Although the Christmas season has been developing for over 1600
years, it is still changing and continues to grow as our customs are refined
and new traditions begin.
Some of our modern traditions
still originate in pagan customs and have little to do with the biblical
account of Christ’s birth. This morning I want to give you some history behind
our “Hanging of the Greens” around the sanctuary and our homes. The hanging of greens, such as Holly, Ivy and Mistletoe is a British winter
tradition with origins far before the Christian era.
Greenery was used to lift people's spirits during the long winter and remind
them that spring was not far away.
are more than 150 varieties of holly and ivy, and it grows in practically all
the countries of the world. It was used for centuries for decorative purposes,
especially in winter festivals because it bore fruit in the winter. It came to
be a symbol of immortality. It was connected to Christmas, beginning in
Denmark, as a symbol of the crown of thorns worn by Jesus, the red berries
representing the blood. The Danes call it, Christ-thorn. In ancient yuletide songs
the holly was spoken of as the male and the ivy as the female. Whichever gender
was the one who first brought it into the house for the season would indicate
which sex would rule the house that year. Anyone for a trip to the greenhouse
after church!
Another similar
seasonal decoration is the Mistletoe. Its name is derived from the Norse word, misteltan, meaning “different twig.” In
ancient Britain it was the sacred plant of the Druids, used in elaborate
ceremonies at the winter solstice. Because of its overt pagan associations it
is seldom used in church decorations, but is commonly found in homes. As it
hangs in the doorway anyone may claim a kiss from the person who stands beneath
it. After the kiss they then remove one of the berries to give to the
recipient. When all of the berries are taken, no more kisses are available. (Herbert Wernecke, Christmas
Customs Around the World. Louisville: Westminster Press)
How about the
wreaths that we hang on our doors and windows, or the greenery we string along
our banisters and archways? Evergreens, which flourish when all else is brown
and dead, are obvious symbols of enduring life. Our primitive fore parents
brought in green branches at the festival of the Winter Solstice, which occurs
every year on December 21st. They used them in magical rites to
ensure the return of vegetation in the spring. Holly, ivy and mistletoe were
strong life-symbols because they could bear fruit even in the winter. And
wreaths represented the Teutonic fire wheel, a symbol of the sun god.
But not all of our
holiday greens originate from our European ancestors. For instance; the
Poinsettia as a symbol of Christmas comes from an old Mexican legend. A poor
little girl was heartbroken because she had nothing of beauty or value to offer
the Christ child, so she plucked some weeds from the side of the road and, as
her only possession in the world, laid them at the feet of the statue of the
Virgin Mary. The legend says that the weeds were miraculously transformed into
the scarlet brilliance of the poinsettia flower that we know today. In fact, in
present day Mexico people still refer to it as the flower of the Holy Night.
And, like these
many symbols of our greens that mean more than they seem, we have an unusual gospel
text for the first Sunday of Advent. Just what do these apocalyptic words mean
to the audience that the gospel writer was addressing? This is what we do know.
Mark’s gospel was written during a turbulent political era in Judea.
Judea was the area of ancient Israel that was
occupied and governed by the Roman Empire. The
time frame was about year 70 of the Common Era, or roughly 40 years after the death of Christ. The situation had
become gravely dangerous. Enemies and spies were everywhere. It was not safe to
be a known follow of Jesus. And people spoke in coded language for their own
safety, especially members of that tiny, persecuted community called the
The author of the
gospel of Mark writes about the time after the suffering of the followers of
Jesus, “Then they will see ‘the Son of man coming in clouds’ with great power
and Glory.” As I read this I have to ask myself, is this a reference to a literal
‘end of the world’ scenario? Growing up I was taught that this passage was
evidence that Jesus was predicting the end of the world with very specific
signs…and that only those who endure to the end would be saved. But what did these
words mean to the people that Mark was writing to? We do know that Mark was indeed
writing about the end of an era when Jesus died on the cross. That was the
beginning of the end for Mark and that tiny Christian community. But Mark
believed that the powers that ruled their world were toppled in the very moment
that Jesus died on the cross. When Jesus stood up to the powers, it was the
dawn of a new day, the beginning of the renewal of everything in the whole
universe. . . . stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the
heavens will be shaken, the scripture says. Nothing would ever be the same
Blossoming Fig Tree
And then Mark recounts
Jesus’ story about a fig tree that is about to blossom signaling the end of one
season and the beginning of another. Mark confirms that the old order of
domination is about to end and a new day is about to blossom. It is happening
now. . Jesus is near, at the very gates
. . . Mark tells us. It is the moment of truth for the Christian community—a chance
for things to begin. Pay attention! And then, just to make sure we get the
point, another story hot on the heels of this one - about a man who leaves on a
journey, leaving his servants in charge, telling them to be ready for his
return, for they do not know when that will take place. It could be . . . in
the evening.
“Ah,” members of
Mark’s community would have remembered. “That’s when Jesus met with his friends
in the upper room, wasn’t it? . . . or at midnight when Jesus was arrested . .
. or at the cockcrow when Peter denied Jesus . . . or at dawn when the soldiers
came to arrest Jesus!” You see? Coded language that Christian people would have
understood during those dangerous times to refer to the fact that they were
living in a time of momentous importance.
“Beware, keep
alert,” Mark writes, “for you do not know when the master of the house will come
. . . or else he may find you asleep when he comes suddenly. What I say to you
I say to all. Keep awake.” It’s the same word Jesus used in the garden of
Gethsemane when he begged Peter and James and John to stay awake with him. Stay
awake! Stay alert! Stay conscious! Don’t
go to sleep on me! This is the hour, Mark is saying in coded language.
I’ve often wondered
why there is no story about the birth of Christ in the gospel of Mark. When it
comes to Christmas, Mark is not concerned about a stable, a star, shepherds or
Wiseman. For him, more cosmic things are happening. This passage is not a
vision of the end of the world but words of encouragement to a dispirited group
of Christians who were in danger of giving up the cause. The cosmic images and
parables are ‘coded’ language, intended to remind members of the Christian
community of the importance of remaining faithful in these dark days of world
history, a time not unlike that time for Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.
Our Christmas
symbols represent a similar coded language that is intended to remind us of
exactly what we are waiting for during advent. Although some of these customs
originated as pagan rituals, and were even at one time forbidden by the early
church, we understand that back them, like now they represented the
ever-living, eternal God whose constant and abiding love is always ours…and
that God is always present with us. Like the Holly
does, what fruit will you bear when the environment around you seems cold and
lifeless? Like the garland wrapped around our sanctuary, how will you express
the enduring life of God within you when all else seems dead and forgotten?
That is our gospel duty, not just through tough times like we are experiencing
today, but in all the challenges and conflicts we experience in this human form.
Advent means
coming. The Advent wreath symbolizes our journey of waiting for the Messiah,
the anointed one who came to liberate us from our own personal bondage. The
light is coming to wake us up from our slumber and lead us to a new way of
Are you awake to
these dark days of so many in our world? Do you read about the suffering of the
poor, but have no desire to ease their pain? Have you fallen asleep
spiritually? Do you snooze through the anticipation and excitement of
Christmas? Have you dozed off from following the gospel—no longer alert to the
realm of God around you? Stay awake! Stay alert! Stay conscious! Don’t go to
sleep during this season of advent! Get ready for the coming of our Messiah who
makes all things alive and green even when our world seems brown and lifeless.
So go home this afternoon, and…
(Excerpts from Barry J. Robinson’s sermon “Don’t Go to Sleep on Me” for November 27, 2005 –